Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Finally Heard Radio Nepal On 5005kHz On September 25

Its my pleasure to inform you all that after random monitoring of  Radio Nepal on 5005kHz for several days during  0830-1115utc, finally I heard the signal on the afternoon of September 25th(2018) from 1037utc to 1111utc.The Signal faded away & also noise level increased after 111utc approx..& nothing audible as such.I used both my Grundig YB 400  with AC Adaptar.9V & GRUNDIG YB 80 Rx on battery with my EXT ANT:Cu WIRE 78' Length 30' Height With COAX LEADIN .The signal strength though was fair to weak and also with low audio intensity (low modulation) but whenever music was played its audio intensity became higher..There was moderate fading sometimes.There was live call-in show with listeners plus music was played as I undestood listening to it.Also hum was also observed. And I like to mention further the language of the broadcast was in Nepali Language.

Here are the link to the audio files recorded:
At 1051utc via GRUNDIG YB 400 Rx:

At 1102utc via GRUNDIG YB 80 Rx:

At 1109utc via  GRUNDIG YB 400 Rx:

Thanks for Victor Goonetilleke for sharing the breaking news of Radio Nepal comming back on 5005kHz after a long gap of several years in UNION OF ASIAN DXERS Facebook Group & special thanks to OM Sarath Weerakoon, 4S5SL for his investigation on the issue.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)
Geographical Location of Reception Place(Abhayapuri):

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