Hi!!! DXERs!!!
On January 15th, I logged from around 1428utc on 9440kHz Family Radio in Assamese ..I heard discussion & questions replied under Open Forum Programme regarding Bible between OM & YL.I monitored from 1430-1458utc with SINPO 34443.And around 1429utc OM mentioned about Open Fourm Programme of Family Radio & talked about free books from Family Radio.No mentioned about any contact address etc. I guess the transmission started around 1400utc.The signal was fair in strength & slight splatters from nearby -10kHz range frequency i.e.9430kHz ..but later towards the end from around 1457utc, heavy splatter from 9430kHz. After montoring the transmission several times during 1400-1500utc on 9440kHz on January 16th,17th & January 18th, I guess Family Radio in Assamese is now on the air on daily basis on 9440kHz during 1400-1500utc. I visited on January 18th the Familly Radio website & found no information on any Assamese transmission on air. Actually I wanted to check the details info i.e. whether its a test transmission or a regular transmission & which transmitter site it is using with how much power i.e. technical details etc.
This is for your info & further DX investigation.
73 & 55
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)
Geographical Location of reception place(Abhayapuri):