Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Will You Walk Into My Parlour???


Remembering the poem which I read during my school days in Rangjuli(Rangjuli Higher Secondary School) in early 1980s about the spider inviting the fly to its spidernet...and the interesting conversations and a moral lesson to learn from the poem.I could not remember who wrote it.But from the internet, I came to know that it was written by Mary Howitt(1799-1888).
Here is a link..
A few lines from the poem towards the end..
"To idle, silly, flattering words, I pray you ne'er give heed:
Unto an evil counsellor, close heart, and ear, and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale, of the Spider and the Fly."

With Good Luck!!!
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)

After A Long Break ...A Black Cat In Our Campus A Regular Visitor


Blackcat Blackcat
Friendly neighborhood blackcat....A rare friendly Blackcat..

With Best Wishes
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)

Akashvani Kokrajhar is back on 102.00MHz

It was mentioned in my earlier in the blog that  Akashvani Kokrajhar on 102.00MHz was not audible at Abhayapuri for several days.I guessed it was due to some technical problems with the transmitter.A senior BCDXER/ radio enthusiast/a specialist on Indian radio Broadcasting & Akashvani / also a amateur radio operator based in  Southern Indian City  contacted Akashvani ,Kokrajhar and it was informed by the station, there was problems in the antenna and works going on to sort out the problem.
Back On Air on 102.00MHz:
And on March 3rd, I heard Akashvani Kokrajhar on 102.00MHz back on air but with much weaker signal strength  from 0331-0347utc (my monitoring period).It was not the usual  loud and clear audio  almost like a local town FM station, I  was used to hear from January 3rd evening (its inaugural day).Let listen to the audio clip recorded around 0344utc on March 3rd of  Akashvani Kokrajhar on 102.00MHz .
Please click the audio link below:
The signal strength is going down considerably here.Perhaps less power has been used.
Please compare with earlier reception audios  recorded of Akashvani Kokrajhar ..
on January 20th...0329utc ....
February 16th....0344utc...
And as per my latest check on Akashvani Kokrajhar on 102.00MHz  here in location, the reception is going down day by day viz. weak signal strength ,difficult copy.

In Brief:Monitor's Summary
The new  FM transmitter with 10kW power and coverage area of 70km radius of Akashvani Kokrajhar had started functioning from January 3rd of 2025.It was received well here at Abhayapuri ( aerial distance of 50-55km approx. aerial distance or less)loud & clear right from the evening of January 3rd.But from perhaps 3rd week of February, the station  was not heard here.Heard via a source  there were some technical problems in antenna system. I am getting  the station  on air from the morning of March 3rd again but very poor signal strength as mentioned above.

At present, I can only hope it will be heard here soon with loud and clear as before.
Better Late Then Never!!!

More observations/radio news/monitoring reports etc from time to time.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)

BCDX Informations Plus DX Memories etc From Japan,Australia & Guam

 From  Radio Japan NHK World Radio  English Service
QSL Cards For Reception Reports Only Upto 20th instant:
A DXER friend of mind last month sent an interesting information regarding Radio Japan's termination of QSL Cards(verification cards).Later visiting the website of Radio Japan NHK World, I could find the information posted myself.Radio Japan has decided to stop issuing verification cards(QSL Cards) for correct reception reports of  their broadcasts by listeners.And they will issue QSL Cards for reception reports of the broadcasts  upto of March 20th (of 2025)only.
However, listeners can send feedbacks and requests on their program contents of English Service via Contact Us link on their website.
No information about the provisions of e-QSL Cards(verification cards) there mentioned.
Radio Japan English Service used to be a good verifier of reception reports.I received many printed QsL Cards of Radio Japan English inially without detail & later with detail QSL Cards by regular post from all the way from Tokyo.Here are the scanned versions..first front side & then back side..

Depicting "Colourful kites are part of New Year scene"
Without Details...Backside
Depicting "Cherry Blossoms and Hirisaki castle in Aomori"
With Details..

Radio Japan's Hindi Service is used to issue QSL Cards too for correct reception reports.I have received over the years several QSL Cards with Hindi print but with out any detail informations printed...
Here is the one ....scanned version..
Front side
Depicting "Colours Of Spring"..from Shizouka Prefecture


Wavescan May Be From WRMI Production Team On Shortwave To Asia from A25 Season 
Via Reach Beyond Australia  To Asia
Another BCDX expert  passed the info to me a few weeks back, that  Wavescan ,the weekly Global DX Program produced now-a-days from Radio Maimi International( WRMI) is likely to be  on air to Asia from the beginning of A25 spring-summer international broadcasting season effective March 30th to October 25th of 2025 via Reach Beyond Australia 
And as per the A25 schedule of Reach Beyond Australia ...
1400 -1430 utc on 11870 kHz (Sunday)
and to Japan 
2230-2300utc  on 17650 (monday)
I will have to wait and check on air the schedule specially the 2230utc onwards slot whether it is on sunday as per UTC time or on monday.
It was mentioned earlier that Adventist World Radio(AWR) had stopped using leased transmitter sites  and only goes on air via its Agat,Guam transmitter sites at the start of B24 winter season on shortwave and it also dropped the  weekly Global DX Program, Wavescan produced at WRMI studio( on sundays) from its program.There is  no English Program from AWR too.The program goes on air via WRMI only perhaps on shortwave and may a few other stations relays it.And from time to time, by checking WRMI schedule, I have listened  their live streaming audio via WRMI website(www.wrmi.net).
And another link to listen to the Wavecan program online(podcast) at your convenient time ..

It has  mentioned in the Wavescan program that WRMI is trying to air this Wavescan program via other radio stations/leased transmitter sites who broadcasts to Asia.And I am waiting for this Wavescan broadcast via  Reach Beyond Australia site in Kununurra(100kW-Australia) on sundays from March 30th.
And nowadays, AWR is only transmitting on shortwave via its own transmitter site located at Agat,Guam.I used to receive lots of QSL Cards plus program schedules etc from Guam during my initial active phase of my DXING hobby.They were used to be a good verifier of reception reports from listeners.
Here is the scanned version of my probably first QSL Card from AWR ..program Wavescan the Global DX Program then produced in England by AWR English Staff..presented by David Borasoain as far as I could recall..

Depicting "Sunrise at Bear Rock Agfayan Bay, Inarajan, Guam"

More observations/radio news/monitoring reports etc from time to time.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)

Akashvani From Abhayapuri!!!

This is a report compiled a few days back and I could not post it at the earliest because I was busy on some other works.
Here is a few infos about  Akashvani regional stations (I usuaally monitor)on FM and medium wave which is being heard here in my place,Abhayapuri.
For Medium Wave ,I am using my Yaesu FT 891 with dipole inverted V and for FM I am using Grundig YB 400  receiver along with telescopic antenna fully extended.

Akashvani Kokrajhar Update on 1512kHz/102.00MHz:
In the morning hours, Akashvani Kokrajhar is audible here with not so satisfactory reception overall on 1512kHz(20kW) medium wave.And my random monitoring period often been 0230-0330utc(8:00-9:00AM Local Time).The reception has been noisy and sometimes the audio is difficult to copy despite using a commercial grade RIG Yaesu FT 891.(dual bander 40/20MB Inverted V Dipole centre feed antenna etc).
But while monitoring 1512kHz in the morning past several days, I could listen to Akashvani Kokrajhar on 1512kHz with usual noisy reception.The signal strength not very good.Let's listen to the audio recorded on March 1st....
around 0308utc with Bodo Modern Songs on air by a lady singer..
around 0344utc assamese regional news relayed from Guwahati,Station Idd etc announcement of Akashvani Kokrajhar & Hindi film music programs on air..

Akashvani Kokrajhar off The Air On 102.00MHz:
But for several days now( perhaps greater than a week),I am unable to listen Akashvani Kokrajhar on their FM frequency 102.00MHz (10kW) here in place,Abhayapuri. This recently installed FM transmitter (10kW)  of  Akashvani Kokrajhar began its on air operation on January 3rd of this year. And it has  a coverage area  of 70km radius.It was well received here (loud and clear) in my place,Abhayapuri with just my Grundig YB 400 receiver with just the telescopic antenna fully extended.Abhayapuri is perhaps within 50-55km aerial distance or even less from Kokrajhar.I wonder what may be the reason of its silence on 102.00MHz.May be some technical problems be the reason behind it.

Akashvani Goalpara on 102.6MHz (1kW):
Akashvani Goalpara is audible here loud and clear on 102.6MHz as before.Goalpara is 20-22km approx. aerially from Abhayapuri, my home town on the southern bank of the Brahmaputra.

Akashvani on Medium Wave During Morning Hours:
Akashvani Shillong on 864kHz is always loud and almost clear almost slight noise sometimes observed here in my place during morning hours.
Akashvani Guwahati Mahabahu on 729kHz is sometimes found to be off the air and Myanmar Radio in local language can be heard sometimes in its place.And it comes back loud and clear after sometime.The power cut plus other technical problems may be the cause of their temporary off the air.Akashvani Guwahati Prajyotishpur is also audible on 1035kHz with good but slightly noiser signal.This unit does not go off air like Mahabahu.Usually the signal strength(QSA) of .Akashvani Guwahati Prajyotishpur is more weaker than Mahabahu (S7 maximum usually as per my RIG Yaesu FT 891 S-meter scale).
This winter I am sorry to say I have not done much medium wave monitoring as such during morning and evening-night hours.Still, I could hear Akashvani Dibrugarh on 567kHz, Akashvani (AV) Kolkata Geetangjali on 657kHz, AV Imphal on 882kHz,AV Siliguri on 711kHz, AV Patna on 621kHz, AV Itanagar on 675kHz etc etc loud and clear.
The recording link to Akashvani Shillong on 864kHz around 0304utc on March 1st..

A few overseas stations on medium wave...
Bangladesh Betar(BB) from Dhaka on 693kHz and from Rajshahi on 846kHz is audible loud and clear in the morning hours here.Besides Radio Nepal Kathmandu 0n 792kHz is well heard here in the early morning hours.
Here is the links to the recordings of Bangladesh Betar(BB) medium wave..
0302utc...on March Ist....Rajshahi on 864kHz
0305utc on Match Ist...Dhaka on 693kHz
Besides the mentioned radio stations, many medium wave stations heard here during the entire day & night ,I will try to give more informations on receptions etc in coming days.

More observations/radio news/monitoring reports etc from time to time.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 From January 1,2025,Voice of Turkiye( as per recent change) programs format has been changed and renamed as TRT World and specially in English, it has been observed that they are taking program feeds from their television programs TRT-the parent organisation. And it appears to me Radio Japan NHK World  English program now-a-days uses program feeds from their English Programs of NHK TV viz.News current affair reports & may be other feature programs. Anyway, several reports are posted in DX Press about status of English radio broadcast from Turkyie(earlier Turkey).
I also heard meanwhile on January 5th, Voice Of Turkiye or TRT World or in Urdu ..Sadaye Turkiye  Urdu transmission on 15390kHz from 1300utc. But I did not find any special changes of their program contents.

Here is the link to audio recorded around 1300utc..
I could not monitor the English Programs as such during the month of  January.But on February 9th, I could monitor  TRT World English from 1732-1804utc on 9660kHz during their 1730-1830utc English transmission to South Asia.
Yes, it was clear from the audio that program feed had taken from the TRT TV transmissions.
And news with  current affiar reports were on air.
RIG used:Yaesu FT 891 Antenna:40/20mb dual bander  Inverted V 
Here is a few recordings ...
First at 1753utc...
 then around 1802utc..

But on February 19th ,I got a message from a well known veteran  BCDXER from Hyderabad that Voice of Turkyie English had been noted again as before not with TRT TV Program feed.And acting on his tip ,I did monitor the station on February 21st..
Here is a brief summary...for February 21st
RIG used:Yaesu FT 891 Antenna:40/20mb dual bander  Inverted V 
1727-1747utc on 9660kHz signal report S9 20dB maximum with slight QSB 
Programs Summary Heard:Station  Music & Idd Annoucement..Voice Of Turkyie..etc by male voice repeated,time signal around 1730utc,opening annoucements frequencies etc ,news by male voice-sports news at the end,music-station Idd annoucement etc,Music-Turkish Music-sentimental song ,then feature program-Travelogue presented by male voice
Here is the recordings...First..
1729utc ...

Voice Of Turkey as it was used to be called before was a good verifier of listeners reception reports and I used to send reception reports and got many QSL Cards by post along with stickers etc.
Here is the one...both front side and back side..

More observations/radio news/monitoring reports etc from time to time.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)

Akashvani FM Special Monitoring Observation

Akashvani Kokrajhar on 102.00MHz has not been audible here at Abhayapuri for four days )inclusive today).I have just checked around 1100utc(1630 hr IST i.e.4.30PM).I am regularly listening to 0330-0345utc morning Assamese Regional News Bulletin via Akashvani Kokrajhar (relay from Akashvani Guwahati).But last four days I have not heard anything and it may be off the air for technical reasons.My location may be aerially 50-50km or less away from Kokrajhar.As posted earlier in my blog,I have been receiving loud and clear signal of Akashvani Kokrajhar on 102.00MHz (10kW).Meanwhile Akashvani Kokrajhar on 1512kHz(20kW) on medium wave is now not audible at all here during my several monitoring sessions this winter season.
Meanwhile, Akashvani Goalpara has been received with good and loud signal here on 102.6MHz..And it is mostly relaying Akashvani Guwahati Mahabahu Programs( 729kHz/101.6MHz). I came to know about a program segement on weekly basis produced from Akashvani Goalpara but not sure on which time slot it goes on air.

More observations/radio news/monitoring reports etc from time to time.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)