From January 1,2025,Voice of Turkiye( as per recent change) programs format has been changed and renamed as TRT World and specially in English, it has been observed that they are taking program feeds from their television programs TRT-the parent organisation. And it appears to me Radio Japan NHK World English program now-a-days uses program feeds from their English Programs of NHK TV viz.News current affair reports & may be other feature programs. Anyway, several reports are posted in DX Press about status of English radio broadcast from Turkyie(earlier Turkey).
I also heard meanwhile on January 5th, Voice Of Turkiye or TRT World or in Urdu ..Sadaye Turkiye Urdu transmission on 15390kHz from 1300utc. But I did not find any special changes of their program contents.
Here is the link to audio recorded around 1300utc..
I could not monitor the English Programs as such during the month of January.But on February 9th, I could monitor TRT World English from 1732-1804utc on 9660kHz during their 1730-1830utc English transmission to South Asia.
Yes, it was clear from the audio that program feed had taken from the TRT TV transmissions.
And news with current affiar reports were on air.
RIG used:Yaesu FT 891 Antenna:40/20mb dual bander Inverted V
Here is a few recordings ...
First at 1753utc...
then around 1802utc..
But on February 19th ,I got a message from a well known veteran BCDXER from Hyderabad that Voice of Turkyie English had been noted again as before not with TRT TV Program feed.And acting on his tip ,I did monitor the station on February 21st..
Here is a brief summary...for February 21st
RIG used:Yaesu FT 891 Antenna:40/20mb dual bander Inverted V
1727-1747utc on 9660kHz signal report S9 20dB maximum with slight QSB
Programs Summary Heard:Station Music & Idd Annoucement..Voice Of Turkyie..etc by male voice repeated,time signal around 1730utc,opening annoucements frequencies etc ,news by male voice-sports news at the end,music-station Idd annoucement etc,Music-Turkish Music-sentimental song ,then feature program-Travelogue presented by male voice
Here is the recordings...First..
1729utc ...
Voice Of Turkey as it was used to be called before was a good verifier of listeners reception reports and I used to send reception reports and got many QSL Cards by post along with stickers etc.
Here is the one...both front side and back side..
More observations/radio news/monitoring reports etc from time to time.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)
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