Thursday, April 16, 2020

Rail Friend Cum Co-Railfan Murari Mishra No More....

This morning your former boss called me to inform me about the sad news ...Really could not believe myself..that YOU NO MORE...MY memory goes back to that afternoon when you first came to AYU to join duty..and I was there ...looking you from distant..and within a few weeks we came close to each other sharing common interest....the photography...& those were golden period of AYU...all charming personalities gathered in AYU..and you were the brightest star...numerous hours spent discussing about train photography....overall developments in Indian Railways.etc etc.Even you shifted to New Bongaigaon with different responsibility we had been in touch ...But suddenly ..words hardly comes out now to express my feelings....

Good Bye Brother...

Rest In Peace..
Bye Bye......
Gautam Kumar Sharma


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