Wednesday, October 27, 2021


 RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 400
ANT: 75 Feet Length  33 ft Feet Height 
Multi Stranded Cu .75 sq mm Wire(Approx)
with coax lead in
Geographical Location of Reception Place(Abhayapuri)(Assam)(India):

Date:October 26,2021

1.Radio Voice Of Vietnam English
1141-1157 utc 12020kHz Sontay,Vietnam 100kW
Good signal strength,slight fading
Asean related news was on air,1145utc station Id announcement by a lady,music,next feature-society segment-reports on support to people effected by Covid 19 lockdown etc -poor people etc,1153utc vietnamese song on air

Here is the audio file recorded around 1145utc:

2.Voice Of America(VOA) English To Myanmar
1200utc* Tinang,Philippines 250kW

1200utc on 15565kHz
Excellent signal strength
The link to the audio recorded:

1201utc on 11965kHz 
The signal strength weak & noisy
The link to the audio recorded:

1202utc 17680kHz 
The signal strength good,interference as side band splatter was there,slightly noisy
The link to the audio recorded:

More monitoring updates/observations etc soon.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)

NB:*(onwards for a few minutes)

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