Sunday, December 11, 2022

Monitoring News From Debdaru Town*

Here is a latest few monitoring observation which I like to share with you all.

Receiver:Grundig Yacht Boy 400
External Antenna:Long Wire multistranded Copper wire 75ft long 33 ft height approx. RG6 coaxial cable feedline etc
Place Of Reception:Abhayapuri(Assam)(India)
All time mentioned  in  Coordinated Universal Time(utc)

Radio Japan NHK World in Bengali,Hindi & Urdu:
Radio Japan is now transmitting in this winter seasson(B22) effective from October 30th of 2022 to March 25th of 2023 via Yamata Japan(300kW) in Bengali,Hindi & Urdu language to our region.The schedule goes like this:
On 11610kHz first in Bengali from 1500 to 1530utc & then in Hindi from 1530-1550utc.
And in Urdu on 11620kHz from 1600-1620utc.
But for a several weeks, the reception quality overall is not good at all in case of  Bengali transmission.The signal strength is much weaker than earlier and very noisy and also slight side band splatter also observed from a station broadcasting on 11620kHz.Sometimes, the signal is not audible at all.
In case of Hindi transmission, I have heard signal with much weaker signal than before I used to receive.
And the same in the case of Radio Japan Urdu Service on 11620kHz.I will monitor more regularly this coming week for more detail reception information.

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation(SLBC) External Service Hindi:
As per my observation (latest On December 10th), SLBC Ext. Ser. Hindi is still off the air on 11905kHz during its first part of its transmission (0030-0100utc) for several weeks now.And it is on air on 11905kHz as usual during 0200-0230utc i.e. 2nd part of the
transmission.Sometime back, a noted BCDXER offered interesting observations  on the issue on a facebook page.It has hinted towards discontiuation of SLBC Hindi 0030-0100 utc slot for other leased transmission hours to other broadcaster.Still, I hope this is a temporary arrangement.
Here is the audio recording of SLBC Ext Ser. Hindi on 11905kHz around 0226utc on December 10th.
British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) World Service English:
I observed  moderate noise(jamming?) on BBCWS English transmission on 15310utc from 0100utc onwards on December 10th.
Here is the audio recorded around 0101utc on 15310kHz:

Radio Romania International(RRI) English:
During 0100-0156utc on 7325kHz Towards North America East Coast
For several winter seasons, I used to listen to this transmission in our area with excellent to good reception though our area is not the target area of broadcast.But this season only noise is audible and sometimes weak signal audible for brief period.
The same is the case of the 0000-0056utc Spanish language transmission of RRI on 7325kHz.

More such reports,observations etc from time to time.
With Best Wishes
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)
*Abhayapuri my town is also known as the town of Debdaru Trees (Polyalthia longifolia/Monoon longifolium) on its two sides of the main road of the town(now a section of State High Way No.2),but the number of Debdaru trees is less than it was a few years back due to various types of construction works also the expansion of Main Road)

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