Sunday, January 30, 2022

On This Sunday Morning Monitoring Amateur Stations in J3E Mode In 40mb

Date:January 30,2022

Place Of Monitoring:Abhayapuri(Assam)(India) NL56hi
RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 80
Long wire end feed antenna (75ft L 33ft H..75sqmm Cu wire multistranded) RG6 cable ..with a splitter box circuit with T50-6 toroid at RX end 
WX:Clear sky  .. sunshine, but very cool
Mode:J3E Class of emission
All time mentioned  both in Indian Standard Time(ist) and where possible in 
Coordinated Universal Time(utc) 

Monitor's Note:
Shallow water pump type noise today observed when I began observing the band from 0645ist(0115utc) from 7000kHz to 7100kHz.The intensity of noise decreased as we moved to upper frequency of the frequency range mentioned.Later after 25 minutes or so this noise vanished and then later on the band , observed increase level  of rainfall or burning type noise but severe as observed for last two days, but today in the morning it continued all over the 40mb amateur band as observed upto 0858ist(328utc),my monitoring ending time.On January 28th it vanished at 0838ist(0308utc) and on January 29th it vanished at 0847ist(0317utc).

7050kHz lsb:
The Hambel Belgaum Net (with prenet session)
0648ist to 0722ist(0118 to 0152utc) onwards 
VU2RZA 56 to 58 VU2JF 53 VU2CKK 58 (all with shallow water pump noise)
No others copied as such
0703ist(0133utc) for two minutes or so
VU2JF 58(with noise) VU2KOC? 22 (heard a few words very weak)
0709ist(0139utc) VU2ETO QSK 55 and he got his over affter two minutes or so & signal report here 55.
VU2RZA also joined later and taking call with 55 to 58 signal report here & others were very weak.

7070kHz lsb:
0736ist(0206utc) onwards upto 0748ist(0218utc)
VU3XBP 59 VU3INI 53 to 43
0742ist VU3HZW 56 breaking signal during over signal strength(QSB) reduced to 53 43
0806ist(0236utc) to 0835(0305utc)
VU3XBP 59 with QSB VU2YPB 59
0811ist(0241utc) onwards upto 0835ist (0305utc)
VU3HZW joining 43 to 33 with QSB slight,sometimes not audible at all,
0817ist(0247utc) VU3ZRI 54
0826ist VU3INI 33 to 43 VU2YPB 59 VU3ZRI 55
0832ist(0302utc) onwards VU3HZW 54  VU3WTS 58
0845ist(0315utc) onwards upto 0858ist(328utc)
(with noise)
Monitor's Note:For the second time in today in this post
Except VU3WTS (from Titabar), all stations today joined on 7070kHz lsb were from Guwahati.

7145kHz lsb:
(With noise)
 0835ist (0305utc) to 0845ist(0315utc)
VU2FRD 54 to 56 with QSB,VU3JXF 33 VU3SAQ 43 33 
0838ist (0308utc) onwards VU2OWB 55 QSK Call and & his over

More monitoring observations etc soon.
VU3WTI(Gautam Kumar Sharma)

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Amateur Monitoring Mix Forty Twenty

Date:January 29,2022
Place Of Monitoring:Abhayapuri(Assam)(India) NL56hi
RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 80
Long wire end feed antenna (75ft L 33ft H..75sqmm Cu wire multistranded) RG6 cable ..with a splitter box circuit with T50-6 torroid at RX end 
WX:Clear sky  .. sunshine, but very cool
On 40mb.....
Monitor's Note:
There was heavy  noise on 40mb enitirely.And  early in the morning from 0651ist (0125utc) when I started monitoring on 40mb , motor boat noise was observed from 7050 to 7065kHz.It was severe.I could not copy anything as such of The Belgaum Net today morning.
The motor boat noise vanished later but another type of  heavy noise usually found on the band some time covered the entire 40mb more or less.Though I could hear the signals...of hams in QSO on 7070kHz lsb ...viz.VU3HZW..VU3INI ??..but very difficult to understand.On 7145kHz lsb I could hear VU2FRD...VU3SAQ...etc ...but with difficulty..
But today noise vanished all of a sudden at 0847ist(0317utc)..
And yesterday also heavy noise was there, it vanished just at 0838ist(0318utc).
So, again from on
7145kHz lsb
VU2FRD 59 9N1CA 55 to 59 with QSB time to time,VU3SAQ 58(the tone was slight sharp at my end)...VU2OWB 58 55 with QSB  ,VU2MNX 43 33..VU3OIP 43  VU3YSU 53 
0910ist(0340utc) onwards 9N1CA 59 with QSB VU2ATN no copy VU2OWB 54..
0915ist(0345utc) final call of 9N1CA 59 with QSB
0916ist(0346utc)VU3HZW breaking  56
all left,none there on air to respond.
Monitoring session ended at 0917ist.

14200kHz usb 
1748 to 1752ist(1218 to 1222utc)
VU2RBI 59 VU3UEL 55 VU2MV 53 with QSB

7145kHz lsb 
1752 to 1755ist(1222 to 1225utc)
Band was noisy
VU3SAQ 33 VU3BTP 53 9N1CA with noise 33 to 22
VU3YSU 22 below the noise VU2FRD signal strength was fair but noise was there while he was transmitting,it was in his transmitter system, I guessed

14220kHz usb
1756 to 1800ist(1226 to 1230utc)
VU3UEL 55 with QSB in QSO with other ham from Middle East..22 33 I could not copy his callsign

More monitoring observations etc soon.
VU3WTI(Gautam Kumar Sharma)

Friday, January 28, 2022

Morning 40mb Monitoring Report

RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 80
External Antenna:
Long wire end feed antenna (75ft L 33ft H..75sqmm Cu wire multistranded) RG6 cable ..with a splitter box circuit with T50-6 torroid at RX end
Monitored at Abhayapuri NL56hi (Assam)(India)
WX:Clear sky  .. sunshine, but very cool

Date:January 28,2022

Quick & Rough Report on
7050kHz lsb The Hambel Belgaum Net
0651ist  (0121utc)..noisy but copying VU2RA 59 with noise in fact all with noise VU2CCK 56 VU2JF  53
 VU2YC @0659ist 33
no copy of VU3UKN VU2KTW...VU2KOC...VU2PNU...
QSK call VU2RZA 54 with noise....heavy noise only on 40mb
0708ist VU2RZA 58 with noise

On 7070kHz lsb
0802ist(0232utc) to 0823ist(0253utc)
VU3HZT 56 VU3XBP 54 to 56 with QSB VU2YPB 58 with slight QSB..VU3HZW 43 53...later towards signal gone up signal report 55

7145kHz lsb 
0824ist(0254utc) onwards 
Very noisy...from early morning. On 40mb 
All stations copied with noise
VU2FRD 59 9N1CA 43 with noise...VU3SAQ 43...etc 
Noise vanished at 0838ist(0308utc)..
VU2FRD 59 9N1CA 59 on average ..slight  weakening of signal sometime but gained strength later, VU2OWB 59 to 56, VU3SAQ 56 58...VU2SYD 33 43 to 53...VU2MNX 43 to 33 VU3YSU 53 43...VU3BTP 58 with slight  QSB Sometime, VU3SXP 53 to 33, VU3JXF 55 to 59 with QSB, VU3HZW (good signal) was heard breaking several times,...made QSO atlast he made QSO with VU3BTP etc...he was barely  copied 9N1CA.
0908ist(0338utc) onwards upto 0930ist(0400utc) approx..
One to one QSO 9N1CA 59 on average & VU2SYD 53 to 33..
VU3WTI(Gautam Kumar Sharma)

General Monitoring Observations of B21 Season Of International Broadcasting Season Part I

A Few general observations of Broadcasting Stations which are heard now-a-days here in my place.
For all monitoring Observations 
RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 400
ANT: 75 Feet Length  33 ft Feet Height 
Multistranded Cu .75sq mm Wire(Approx)
with coax lead in
Location of Reception Place(Abhayapuri)(Assam)(India):NL56hi(Grid Location)

Sri Lanka Broadcast Corporoation(SLBC) External Service Hindi:
The schedule  is 0030-0100*utc & 0200-0230utc on 11905kHz
SLBC Hindi is on 11905kHz  during the first half of the transmission is now audible from 0043utc onwards with faint signal & the signal strength becomes strong after 0046 to 0050utc onwards often.I think it is on skip with us during that time. There has been  slight side band  splatter from nearby frequencies with 10kHz either side of the band from time to time specially towards the end of the transmission.
* The transmission often ends abruptly 4 minutes to 1 minutes earler as observed by me.
And the signal strength and overall reception during the 2nd half of the transmission i.e.0200-0230utc is not very good here.There has been slight to moderate co-channel interference  and also side band splatter is also there.

From Radio Peking ..Radio Beijing,...China Radio International(CRI) English Now CGTN Radio..:
It is now finally learnt CRI's English Service is now renamed itself as CGTN (China Global Television Network) Radio.After I read in a radio blog a post about this, I did check a few CRI English frequencies and I have heard that before every English broadcast you can hear this station Idd  announcement by a male .."This is CGTN Radio....".. followed by news in English..then the feature programs.
I think this is for only English programs .
Here is the audio link of the announcement etc recorded around 0700utc on 17710kHz  on January 26th..

Radio Taiwan International(RTI) English:
The present RTI English skd goes like this 
For South Asia, Southern China 
6100kHz 250kW Tumsai District,Taiwan(ROC) from 1600-1700utc 
For Southeast Asia
15320kHz 100kW Paochung,Taiwan(ROC) from 0300-0400utc
The overall reception of RTI English on 6100kHz has been excellent as per my monitoring observations for time to time this month.The signal strength(QSA) is extremely strong and no noise and no interference as such observed during the monitoring periods.
Here is the audio recording link of RTI English on 6100kHz from 1559utc for a few seconds onwards on Janauary 22nd.
The overall reception of 15320kHz is good to fair.The signal strength is good to fair with slight to moderate fading(QSB) is observed.There is no intereference as such now most of the transmission period after Radio Japan NHK World Japansese shifting its long standing frequency of 15325kHz to other frequency a few seasons back.But from 0355utc onwards slight intereference from a co-channel station has been observed and  and by 0357utc, the interference has been severe and it is difficult t o pick the audio of RTI English for last three minutes of its transmission.
Here is the recorded audio link of RTI English on 15320kHz on Janaury 25th around 0353utc:
and on the other audio link around 0357utc:
Radio Taiwan International (RTI) English used to be a good verifier of reception reports with QSL Cards depicting various aspects of Taiwan.I have received many printed QSL cards from the station.
Here is the scanned version of one such QSL Card (both sides)

Radio Japan NHK World Hindi:
The present schedule goes like this
1430-1500utc on 15720kHz (via Madagascar,250kW)
1530-1600utc on 7565kHz (via Tashkent,100kW)
(The Repeat broadcast )
0059-0119utc  on 6155kHz (via Tashkent,100kW)
(The repeat broadcast of the feature of the previous day)

Here is the link to an audio file recorded around 1448utc on 15720kHz on January 22nd.
and another audio link on the same date around 1530utc on 7565kHz
The link to the audio recorded around 0059utc on 6155kHz on January 23rd.

You can access the reception quality by listening to the audio files yourself.
More monitoring observations etc soon.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(VU3WTI)

Thursday, January 27, 2022

All India Radio(AIR) Guwahati On Air On Medium Wave etc

For all monitoring Observations 
RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 400
ANT: 75 Feet Length  33 ft Feet Height 
Multistranded Cu .75sq mm Wire(Approx)
with coax lead in
 Location of Reception Place(Abhayapuri)(Assam)(India):NL56hi(Grid Location)

This AIR Guwahati,via Mahabahu on 729kHz & Pragjoytishpur on 1035kHz
As per my latest monitoring this morning(January 27th) (0030-0058utc) AIR Guwahati is now on air on both its medium wave channels i.e.AIR Guwahati Mahabahu  ex AIR Guwahati A on 729kHz and AIR Guwahati Pragjyotishpur  ex. AIR Guwahati B on 1035kHz .And I have been observering these two frequencies 729kHz and 1035kHz for several weeks now specially in the morning(0040-0100utc) & beyond along with AIR Dibrugarh on 567kHz and other AIR medium wave stations.
I think both AIR Guwahati stations's Mahabahu &  Pragjyotishpur  is carrying the same program feed atleast in the morning.And station Idd heard by me ..rough English translation goes like this...on both the channels in the morning..
" This is AIR Guwahati (Akashvani Guwahati), you are listening to the programs from Mahabahu  and  Pragjyotishpur  branch(Shakha)".
For a few days I did not hear AIR Guwahati Mahabahu on 729kHz here.
But on January 23rd morning,  I heard  AIR Guwahati Pragjyotishpur  on 1035kHz with good signal.
I monitored from 0016 to 0035utc.The program was devotional music,station Idd annoucements by a lady, then following program Mukutamala,presented by a male presenter,news (as far I could recall in Hindi) relayed  from AIR Delhi.
Here is the audio link recorded around 0025utc:

On Janaury 24th around 0215utc  I heard during aircheck AIR Guwahati Mahabahu on 729kHz after a few days break at my location.And I monitored again from 00320 to 0333utc and found it on air with good signal.
And again On Janaury 25th morning I could not hear  AIR Guwahati Mahabahu in the early morning instead the another overseas station on air with weak signal.But heard good signal of AIR Guwahati Pragjyotishpur  on 1035kHz from 0106 to 0118utc (my monitoring period).The Program on folk music and announcements promos,station Idds by a lady announcer,program highlights of the day..etc were heard.
Here is the audio file recorded around 0113utc of  AIR Guwahati Pragjoytishpur  on 1035kHz 
And around 0133utc onwards  during aircheck I found AIR Guwahati Mahabahu was back on air on 729kHz with good signal.
Here is the audio file link recorded around 0134utc:
But observed that there is  some problem in audio via AIR Guwahati Mahabahu on 729kHz ..when sometime announcers speaks via studio microphone audio comes as breaking  but no problem in music etc as  recorded programs on air.But no such problems on the audio of   AIR Guwahati Pragjoytishpur  on 1035kHz.

On January 26th morning..
AIR Guwahati Mahabahu on 729kHz ..0045utc .station idd announcement by a lady program classical music program-lady singer Good signal, the same program feed on 1035kHz i.e.on  AIR Guwahati Pragjyotishpur  but the reception was not good,co-channel interference and the signal strength was not good.
Also heard AIR Dibrugarh with blasting signal on 567kHz with program on Hindi learning lessons..AIR Itanagar on 675kHz with patriotic song in Hindi,Radio Nepal Pokhara on 684kHz with strong signal and also Bangladesh Betar Dhaka on 693kHz strong signal during early morning hours.

On January 27th(today) I heard both AIR Guwahati Mahabahu &  Pragjyotishpur  on air on their respective frequencies relaying AIR Delhi Hindi News around 0032utc onwards for a few minutes as per my aircheck.
I heard several AIR Regional Stations including AIR Visakhapatnam on 927kHz AIR Hyderabad on 738kHz AIR Kadapa(?) on 900kHz , AIR Imphal on 882kHz ,AIR Patna on 621kHz AIR Silchar on 828kHz,AIR Kolkata on 657kHz,AIR Kohima on 639kHz, AIR Siliguri 711kHz, AIR Itanagar on 675kHz , also Radio Nepal Pokhara on 684kHz & Radio Nepal Kathmandu on 792kHz with variable reception.Besides these many regional AIR Stations , Medium wave stations from Bangladesh etc etc also are  heard very well in the early morning hours during this winter.

That is all for today.
More monitoring observations etc soon.
Gautam Kumar Sharma(VU3WTI)

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

40mb Morning Amateur Radio Log On January 26,2022

RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 80
External Antenna:
Long wire end feed antenna (75ft L 33ft H..75sqmm Cu wire multistranded) RG6 cable ..with a splitter box circuit with T50-6 torroid at RX end
WX:Clear sky almost ..pale white cloud cover sunshine, but very cool
Monitored at Abhayapuri NL56hi (Assam)(India)

Date:January 26,2022

The Belgaum Net (with the prenet session)
7050kHz lsb
from 0651ist (0121utc)
VU2RZA 59 VU2CCK 58 59 VU2RTF no copy VU2KTW no copy
VU2KOC no copy
0701ist (0131utc)4S6RYD 43 from Colombo,VU2RZA 59
0704ist VU2PNU 33(heard callsigns calling)
0708ist VU2KTW? 33 breaking call heard twice
0709ist VU2RZA 59 with QSB..VU2PNU 22
0711ist (0141utc) onwards
VU2RZA 59 VU2KTW  33 22
0713ist VU2CCK 58 with QSB  VU2RZA 59
0722ist (0152utc)
VU3FTP breaking 43 9N1CA 59 ..VU3PMY? 22
Others stations very weak, callsigns of a few breaking heard but could not note down callsigns, sorry

7145kHz lsb
Slight noise there on the frequency
9N1CA 59 VU2ELJ 11
0750ist 9N1CA on CQ call 59
VU3OKT giving CQ call  53 & tuning sound heard...later VU3SXP 53.VU2DLU  22 very weak heard....later nothing audible
0814ist(0244utc) onwards
VU22FRD 59 VU3OKT 43
0819ist onwards 
VU2FRD 59 VU3ZBG good signal strength  but audio distorted very difficult to copy 
0822ist 9N1CA 59 
Breaking signals of VU3HZT heard atleast twice,also heard breaking signal of VU3HZW several times during the entire monitoring session, none could copy his signal ...
Still on 7145kHz lsb
0827ist VU3SAQ 43 33
Later VU3BTP 58 59 VU2OWB 59 joined 
A good discussion on long wire end feed half wave multiband antenna currently used by VU3BTP..VU3SAQ.VU2OWB 9N1CA & VU2FRD also offered their views.VU3SAQ will give his critical report on this type antenna later.VU3BTP shared his own experience earlier.He replaced his G5RV antenna with this type ...long wire half wave end feed multiband antenna
0912ist (0342utc) onwards for 7 minutes or so approx.
VU3SAQ  33 VU2OWB 59 VU2OO breaking in ...& taking AR...56  9N1CA 59 with QSB also VU2ATN no copy.....

More such monitoring reports etc soon.
VU3WTI(Gautam Kumar Sharma)

Amateur Band Monitoring Mix

RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 80
External Antenna:
Long wire end feed antenna (75ft L 33ft H..75sqmm Cu wire multistranded) RG6 cable ..with a splitter box circuit with T50-6 torroid at RX end
WX:Clear sky almost ..pale white cloud cover sunshine, but very cool
Monitored at Abhayapuri NL56hi (Assam)(India)
(For both monitoring dates)

Date:January 23 2022
14200kHz usb 
1715 to 172ist(1145-1151utc)
VU2RBI from Hyderabad 56 to  59 VU3IAZ no copy VU2DCT 43 53 with QSB..(from Lucknow)using Icom IC 77 ? Endfeed halfwave antenna of VU3GEK, 9N1CA no copy another breaker 43 with QSB could not copy his callsign 
(With side band splatter ...constant beeping sound heard sometime)
1737ist VU2RBI on CQ call 59.....
1738 ist VU3FMM 33 QSB OM Chandrakant from Pune

Date:January 21,2022 
7050kHz lsb (The Belgaum Net)
0701ist  (0131utc)..onwards 
VU2KOC ? 33 heard once for a few seconds..0701ist breaking call of VU2CCK 59 ..a few other breakers heard could not note down callsigns 
Once heard call of VU2PNU 33 for a few seconds 
0707ist VU2CKK 59 
0709 ist VU3USI?
0710ist VU3XVX ?33 VU2PNU no copy
0721ist VU2ETO 58 VU2PNU no copy  VU3HZW breaking 56 (from Guwahati..perhaps not copied by Net controller) 
0725ist VU2JF breaking 54 
Special Mention: Not heard today VU2RZA from Chennai, a regular on the net  yet...

7070kHz lsb 
0736ist onwards
VU3XBP 59 VU3YPB 56..
VU2YPB 59 VU3OIP 58  VU3HZW 55...
0752ist signals going down with QSB 
Signals going down...all of a sudden...VU3XBP 53..43..level VU3WTS breaking call 59 ..but AR now 56...VU3HZW 43 33 VU3YPB 43 33......VU3WTS 54 55 @0800ist...VU3XBP 33...@0801ist..
Signals going down on 7070kHz lsb...specially from Guwahati..Hi all VU3XBP 22 33 VU2YPB... 33...VU3HZW 43 33...VU3OKB.. 11  a few words sometime . 
Earlier VU2DLU 43 @0810ist
 0811ist VU3XBP 59 VU2YPB 59 
What a surprise.....
VU3OIP 59... VU3OKB heard later 55 VU3HZW 56 to 58
Two stations joined later ..VU2DLU VU3BTP ..on 7070kHz lsb comfortable copy of VU3BTP, VU2DLU copied here..weak signal
WX:partly cloudy, pale sunshine,very cool..

VU3WTI (Gautam Kumar Sharma)

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

40mb Morning Monitoring Report For January 5,2022

Place Of Monitoring:
Abhayapuri in Western Assam, India
Grid square:NL56hi
RX:Grundig Yacht Boy  80
Ext Antenna:Long Wire 75ft L 33ft H .75sq mm copper multistranded wire 
end feeded with coaxial cable RG 6 &  
connected to RX with a splitter box fitted balun

Date:January 05 2022
On  7050kHz lsb 
The Belgaum Net
(with prenet session upto 0700ist) 
0648ist (0118utc) onwards  
Band is noisy 
VU2RZA 59 (slight QSB sometime) VU2JF 33 22 
VU2DED 58 to 53..  VU2MTW no copy VU2KTW no copy VU3UKN no copy..
0653ist VU2RZA 59 VU2OO 53  with noise
0658ist(0128utc) VU2KOC 22 VU2PNU no copy 
0701ist(0131utc) VU2DED 33 VU2RZA 59 with QSB ..VU2KTW no copy VU2OO 53..
Noise level beginning to decrease from 0710ist(0140utc)
0712ist (0142utc) VU2DRK? 33..
Signals going down very very readability at all
WX:Fog, pale sunshine, very cool

0653ist(0123utc) 7050kHz lsb VU2RZA VU2OO

7070kHz lsb 
0738ist onwards  VU3YPB 56 57 VU3OKB 43 with noise...VU3WTS not heard yet..
40mb is noisy now
VU3XBP VU3YPB both 59....
Signal going down .of VU3XBP VU3XBP ....9N1CA 56 copy of VU2ATN ...VU2OO..very weak..VU2FRD 56 breaking in..on 7070kHz lsb 
9N1CA going down ..i.e. QSA....HI(signal strength)
On 7070kHz lsb 0821ist onwards..
VU3XBP 59  VU3YPB 59 VU3OIP 59

7145kHz lsb
 0828ist(0258utc) onwards  VU3BTP 59 VU2FRD 59 VU2AOR 58..VU2INA 22...9N1CA 58 59(from 0833ist i.e.0303utc onwards)....VU2OWB 55. 54 .with QSB
VU3SAQ QSK call 33 VU2AOR 58 9N1CA 59 VU3SAQ 54 ..on first AR
VU2DLU @0840ist onwards 33 
VU2FRD still 59..@0841ist .
9N1CA @0844ist 59 
0847ist (0317utc)onwards
VU3SAQ 54 VU2DLU 33 VU2FRD 59 9N1CA 59 
VU2YVK 22 (@0851ist)
VU3WTI(Gautam Kumar Sharma)

A Few Radio Montioring Observations For January 5,2022

RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 400
ANT: 75 Feet Length  33 ft Feet Height 
Multistranded Cu .75sq mm Wire(Approx)
with coax lead in
Location of Reception Place(Abhayapuri)(Assam)(India):
Grid Square:NL56hi

Date:January 5,2022

All India Radio(AIR) Dibrugrah 
0009-0029utc 567kHz 300kW 
Devotional songs-Bhakti Sangeet mostly in Assamese,program highlights of the day by a lady etc
strong signal,slightly noisy sometimes,slight fading sometimes,excellent overall reception
The audio recorded around 0017utc:

AIR Guwahati Mahabahu ex.AIR Guwahati A on 729kHz was very weak and I heard something in the background-devotional music,with noise slight intereference co channel type during aircheck around 0009-0029utc for a few few seconds.

Early Morning Medium Wave Radio Signals From Nepal
Radio Nepal Pokhara 
684kHz 0034utc onwards for a few minutes
News-press reviews etc I guessed heard 
The link to the audio clip recorded around 0036utc Of Radio Nepal Pokhara 
And I think same program was going on Radio Nepal Kathmandu on 792kHz heard a few minutes later.The signal strength was strong but slightly weaker than Radio Nepal Pokhara.

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) External Service Hindi:
Today it was not heard here during 0030-0059utc transmission however it was heard on the same frequency during its 2nd part of the transmission during 0200-0229utc.But the signal was not strong and slight co-channel interference and also from nearby frequency there.But yesterday on January 4th, SLBC's Hindi transmission was heard on 11905kHz during its first half of transmission with good signal strength.Today morning might be in skip.There was dense fog in the morning and poor visibility.

Radio Romania International(RRI) English: 
To North America East Coast
0058-0113utc 7325kHz  Galbeni-Romania(300kW)
Good signal,slight noise,slight fading,overall reception has been good
inverval signal,music,stat. idd & frequency etc usual opening annoucement,news,current affairs reports etc
The audio link recorded around 0059utc:

No signal Of RRI English To India during 0400-0456utc on 1170kHz In B21 Mystery Solved At Last:
it is because now all two frequencies for this transmission slot has been carrying DRM mode of transmission i.e.both 11790kHz  & 
13720kHz.Thanks for the alert message from a radio monitor  friend of Nepal, when he pointed out to the  fact.Later when I checked  the latest  frequency schedule of RRI English posted  I found the fact myself.
And earlier 25mb frequency was used to broadcast the analog transmission and the other frequency used to broadcast in DRM.

To Australia 
0639-0656utc 17780kHz Galbeni-Romania(300kW)
Good Reception
Current affairs reports,Inside Romania etc,closing announcements etc,interval signal,carrier went off 
Audio link recorded at 0643utc:
On parallel frequency of 21470kHz nothing audible as such only noise during 0630-0656utc during my several airchecks.

Radio Japan NHK World  Hindi 
0114utc 6155kHz via Tashkent-Uzbekistan(100kW)
Good signal,
Closing announcement by a lady,Japanese song for a few seconds,promo
Audio link recorded:

All India Radio(AIR) External Service In  Nepali:
Effective 3rd January, AIR External Service has made a few changes on their schedule as per post in DX India facebook group by OM VU2JOS. The Nepali language transmission now can be heard as per following schedule on shortwave
Via Delhi(100kW)
0145 to 0315utc on 11560kHz 
0930-1030utc on 9950kHz
The reception overall has been satisfactory during 0145-0315utc,but the signal strength is not very satisfactory here in my place during 0930- 1030utc
Here is the audio recorded around 0155utc on Janaury 5th of AIR Ext Ser.Nepali on 11560kHz:
(News in Nepali)

Radio Philipinas WorldWide English:
Radio Philipinas WorldWide  is currently broadcasting in English on three frequencies 17820kHz,15640kHz and 9475kHz as per their normal schedule of 0200-0330utc.
The reception of on 15640kHz and 17820kHz has been good.But the reception on 9475kHz is not satisfactory,noisy the signal strength is fair usually.
Here is the audio file links recorded on January 5th.
15640kHz 0201utc:
9475kHz 0202utc:
17820kHz 0203utc:
 My DX Mentor cum once radio friend Mr.Tapan Kumar Pathak of my home town ,received a printed QSL Card from Radio Philipinas English Service  in 1998 and I thought him lucky to get a QSL Card response from Radio Philipinas.

Radio Voice Voice Of Mongolia English
0900-0930utc 12085kHz
The reception is usually poor with heavy interference as a form of side band splatter from 12080kHz during the entire period of broadccast.And it is on rare occasion you can hear this transmission with less interference and  atleast a few sentences and a few parts of the broadcast contents can be audible.Today I could copy to some extents of the broadcast.
Here is the audio link recorded of VOM English around 0907utc on 12085kHz:
Radio Voice Of Mongolia English used to be good verifier of reception reports and I received several different QSL Cards.
Here is a one such QSL Card (both sides scanned).

More monitoring observations etc soon.
With Best Wishes For 
Happy New Year 2022
Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)(VU3WTI)

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Voice Of America(VOA) Wall Calendar for 2022

 After a two years gap ,on the morning of December 31st of 2021, I received from the postman  usual traditional  Voice Of America (VOA) wall Calendar 2022 pack  sent directly from VOA HQ Washington DC USA.The theme of 2022 calendar is the VOA@80 A Free Press Matters.
You can down a pdf version of the VOA 2022 calendar from the following link


                                         With Best Wishes 
                                     Gautam Kumar Sharma(GK)


On New Year day on the morning , the WX was clear sky ,sunshine  and very cool here at my location and the was little noise i.e.minimum noise and that was the good thing for me.

Place Of Monitoring:
Abhayapuri in Western Assam, India
Grid square:NL56hi
RX:Grundig Yacht Boy  80
Ext Antenna:Long Wire 75ft L 33ft H .75sq mm copper multistranded wire 
end feeded with coaxial cable RG 6 &  
connected to RX with a splitter box fitted balun

Date:January 1st,2022
7130kHz lsb 
(0156utc) onwardsVU2JF 56  VU2OO.55...VU3WEW 22..VU2SMN.22...etc QRM from non ham stations...side. band splatter...
7070kHz lsb:
0738(0208utc)-0747ist (0217utc) 
VU3XBP 59 VU3YPB...59..blasting. signal .little  noise...
both operating from Guwahati

7070kHz lsb 
0805ist (0235utc)onwards to 0830ist(0300utc) approx
VU3XBP...59..VU3YPB 59...VU2OWB & 9N1CA  joined with good  comfortable  signal but with slight QSB
The link of the audio recorded around 0816ist..
The link of the audio recorded around 0820ist..
(9N1CA VU3XBP VU3YPB on air)

7145kHz lsb 
0750ist(0220utc) to 0756ist(0226utc)
VU2FRD 59 several CQ calls noted
7145kHz lsb 
from 0828ist(0258utc)
VU2FRD 59 VU3BTP 59 VU3JXF 56 58  VU2OWB 59 with QSB ..9N1CA..59 to 54..VU3MDL 59....
Here is the link to the audio recorded around 0835ist onwards:
(VU3MDL from Kharagpur, VU2FRD from Bhubaneswar)
From 0840ist(0310utc) onwards
The band became noiser & noiser..on 7145kHz lsb ...0854ist onwards Copied VU2OWB 55 VU3OIP 53 to 56...9N1CA 56 to 58...with QSB
0901ist 9N1CA 59 with noise 0902ist last call made by 9N1CA from Tansen Nepal.
VU3WTI(Gautam Kumar Sharma)

New Year Day Morning in 2022...New Technology...New Way Monitoring

A websdr is  now online set up by a new amateur radio operator VU2EHJ..OB Anupam Saikia from Sarupathar  (Grid square NL66we) in Golaghat District of Assam my home state Assam in India .You can check receptions in all modes..A3E  J3E..usb lsb  FM etc. via this websdr.And  you can assess  the websdr by visiting his website
and then clicking the websdr link.

I understand the websdr is still on testing stage and in temporary location.I have  accessed  it both via mobile and PC and find it much easier to use in my PC.
On the  morning on new year day, I did monitoring The Belgaum Net Pre Net session on 7050kHz lsb from 0642ist(0112utc) onwards for a few minutes in my Personal Computer ( connected to net via Wifi dongle to my mobile phone's net connection )with this websdr set up by VU2EHJ.And got strong signal from VU2RZA from Chennai,VU2FRD from Bhubaneswar & VU2JF from Rajkot and a few other stations
Here is the recorded audio file link 0646ist(0116utc) 7050kHz lsb:

And this websdr will help our radio monitors and radio amateurs to check reception quality of their signal in this region.I must thank OB VU2EHJ for setting up this websdr with his own initiative.He is also working on his SDR's transmitter section and I hope he will be on air soon.
VU3WTI(Gautam Kumar Sharma)
Date:January Ist,2022