Date:January 30,2022
Place Of Monitoring:Abhayapuri(Assam)(India) NL56hi
RX:Grundig Yacht Boy 80
Long wire end feed antenna (75ft L 33ft H..75sqmm Cu wire multistranded) RG6 cable ..with a splitter box circuit with T50-6 toroid at RX end
WX:Clear sky .. sunshine, but very cool
Mode:J3E Class of emission
All time mentioned both in Indian Standard Time(ist) and where possible in Coordinated Universal Time(utc)
All time mentioned both in Indian Standard Time(ist) and where possible in Coordinated Universal Time(utc)
Shallow water pump type noise today observed when I began observing the band from 0645ist(0115utc) from 7000kHz to 7100kHz.The intensity of noise decreased as we moved to upper frequency of the frequency range mentioned.Later after 25 minutes or so this noise vanished and then later on the band , observed increase level of rainfall or burning type noise but severe as observed for last two days, but today in the morning it continued all over the 40mb amateur band as observed upto 0858ist(328utc),my monitoring ending time.On January 28th it vanished at 0838ist(0308utc) and on January 29th it vanished at 0847ist(0317utc).
7050kHz lsb:
The Hambel Belgaum Net (with prenet session)
0648ist to 0722ist(0118 to 0152utc) onwards
VU2RZA 56 to 58 VU2JF 53 VU2CKK 58 (all with shallow water pump noise)
No others copied as such
0703ist(0133utc) for two minutes or so
VU2JF 58(with noise) VU2KOC? 22 (heard a few words very weak)
0709ist(0139utc) VU2ETO QSK 55 and he got his over affter two minutes or so & signal report here 55.
VU2RZA also joined later and taking call with 55 to 58 signal report here & others were very weak.
7070kHz lsb:
0736ist(0206utc) onwards upto 0748ist(0218utc)
VU3XBP 59 VU3INI 53 to 43
0742ist VU3HZW 56 breaking signal during over signal strength(QSB) reduced to 53 43
0806ist(0236utc) to 0835(0305utc)
VU3XBP 59 with QSB VU2YPB 59
0811ist(0241utc) onwards upto 0835ist (0305utc)
VU3HZW joining 43 to 33 with QSB slight,sometimes not audible at all,
0817ist(0247utc) VU3ZRI 54
0826ist VU3INI 33 to 43 VU2YPB 59 VU3ZRI 55
0832ist(0302utc) onwards VU3HZW 54 VU3WTS 58
0845ist(0315utc) onwards upto 0858ist(328utc)
(with noise)
Monitor's Note:For the second time in today in this post
Except VU3WTS (from Titabar), all stations today joined on 7070kHz lsb were from Guwahati.
7145kHz lsb:
(With noise)
(With noise)
0835ist (0305utc) to 0845ist(0315utc)
VU2FRD 54 to 56 with QSB,VU3JXF 33 VU3SAQ 43 33
0838ist (0308utc) onwards VU2OWB 55 QSK Call and & his over
More monitoring observations etc soon.
VU3WTI(Gautam Kumar Sharma)