Place Of Monitoring:Abhayapuri(in Western Assam)(India) NL56hi
RX:Grundig YB 80
External Antenna:
Long wire end feed antenna (75ft L 33ft H..75sqmm Cu wire multistranded) RG6 cable ..with a balun at RX end
Monitored Mode:J3E Class of emission(Amateur Stations)
All time mentioned in Indian Standard Time(ist) & where possible Universal Time Co-ordinated 9utc) mentioned side by side
Date:November 26,2022
Little Noise Level
(Just like Little,A little,the read in our English Grammar Class book in school)
Frequency:7070kHz lsb
Time:0755-0759ist (0225-0229utc)
VU2XBP 59 with QSB VU2YPB 59
VU3ZRI 58 to 54 with QSB sometimes,VU2YPB 59++
VU2XBP 59 with QSB VU3INI 59 with QSB
Frequency:7145kHz lsb
lots of amateur stations heard, one special callsign station
VU2OWB ,VU3LGT,VU2ZOC,VU3SAQ(very weak today),
VU2DLU,VU3IBL also later operated as AT8JCB too(QSA improved as AT8JCB),
VU3HQP(strong signal),VU3IBO not heard
signal strength not so good in strength of VU2ZOC,VU2DLU also VU2OWB but copied comfortably and later signal strength(QSA) improved
That is a rough report.
and here a few monitoring logs on 40mb this week.
Date:November 24,2022
7070kHz lsb
0750ist(0220utcVU2XBP on CQ call 59..from Guwahati
7145kHz lsb
0759ist(0229utc) for a few minutes VU3HQP 59 VU2DLU 33..
Date:November 23,2022
Frequency:7145kHz lsb
Time:0753-0802ist approx..
S21HA 59..with slight QSB..sometimes ....others VU2XBP 59 VU2SKD 54 58 QSB VU2DLU 56 54 QSB VU3IBO 33 22
Date:November 22,2022
7145kHz lsb
0808 to 0851ist
VU2SYD 55 56 VU2DLU 54 55 S21HA 59 VU3HQP 59
VU3IBO 43 33 from Maldah..
VU2OWB 54 56 58 ...
VU3XCR 59...
from 0833ist noise level increasing slightly..
More reports,observations etc soon.
DE VU3WTI (Gautam Kumar Sharma).on monitoring mode,
RX:Grundig YB 80
External Antenna:
Long wire end feed antenna (75ft L 33ft H..75sqmm Cu wire multistranded) RG6 cable ..with a balun at RX end
Monitored Mode:J3E Class of emission(Amateur Stations)
All time mentioned in Indian Standard Time(ist) & where possible Universal Time Co-ordinated 9utc) mentioned side by side
Date:November 26,2022
Little Noise Level
(Just like Little,A little,the read in our English Grammar Class book in school)
Frequency:7070kHz lsb
Time:0755-0759ist (0225-0229utc)
VU2XBP 59 with QSB VU2YPB 59
VU3ZRI 58 to 54 with QSB sometimes,VU2YPB 59++
VU2XBP 59 with QSB VU3INI 59 with QSB
Frequency:7145kHz lsb
lots of amateur stations heard, one special callsign station
VU2OWB ,VU3LGT,VU2ZOC,VU3SAQ(very weak today),
VU2DLU,VU3IBL also later operated as AT8JCB too(QSA improved as AT8JCB),
VU3HQP(strong signal),VU3IBO not heard
signal strength not so good in strength of VU2ZOC,VU2DLU also VU2OWB but copied comfortably and later signal strength(QSA) improved
That is a rough report.
and here a few monitoring logs on 40mb this week.
Date:November 24,2022
7070kHz lsb
0750ist(0220utcVU2XBP on CQ call 59..from Guwahati
7145kHz lsb
0759ist(0229utc) for a few minutes VU3HQP 59 VU2DLU 33..
Date:November 23,2022
Frequency:7145kHz lsb
Time:0753-0802ist approx..
S21HA 59..with slight QSB..sometimes ....others VU2XBP 59 VU2SKD 54 58 QSB VU2DLU 56 54 QSB VU3IBO 33 22
Date:November 22,2022
7145kHz lsb
0808 to 0851ist
VU2SYD 55 56 VU2DLU 54 55 S21HA 59 VU3HQP 59
VU3IBO 43 33 from Maldah..
VU2OWB 54 56 58 ...
VU3XCR 59...
from 0833ist noise level increasing slightly..
More reports,observations etc soon.
DE VU3WTI (Gautam Kumar Sharma).on monitoring mode,